Books/Other Pubs

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Gold Man Review, Issue 3, (November 2014) is available on Amazon and includes my essay, Dam It. When I sat down many years ago to begin typing what became my first book, Breathe, what came swimming out of my fingertips were five pages about salmon, which were cut from the book but became this essay. It’s about salmon such as the June Hogs and Lonesome Larry, but also about other things like swimming, dams on the Columbia River like Grand Coulee and Woody Guthrie. I once tried to read it during an open mike at the annual gathering of Fisher Poets in Oregon, and in spite of practicing with a timer in my yurt,  I was not-so-gently encouraged to get off stage after I’d committed the cardinal sin of all open mikes–I exceeded my time limit. But I did get a free t-shirt and a can of tuna, which prompted one of my many mottoes: I’ll do anything for a free can of tuna. Once I’ve outlived my shame and most of the participants, I may try again as I would like to call myself a Fisher Poet.

Women In Nature, an Anthology, will include my essay, Wait-A-Bit, about teaching my children to love nature and includes critters like the golden toad and sea turtles. They’re goal is to print the book on eco-friendly, tree-free paper made from agricultural waste (think wheat straw) by a company called Prairie Paper, owned by actor Woody Harrelson. Apparently wheat straw is expensive so they’re in the midst of a kickstarter campaign if you’re so inclined:  ( As small woodland owners and proud members of the Tree Farmers of America, we’re all for using trees for their highest and best use, which doesn’t include toilet paper and may not include paper either, given viable alternatives.